Friday, February 4, 2011


My name is Analiese and I have been teaching for three years.  I decided to start this blog because I (and a lot of other teachers I know) am always looking to share ways to fit more quality content into what seems like not enough time.  It always feels as though June is barreling towards me, hence the title of the blog which comes from the average number of days in a Wisconsin school year.

I especially felt this when teaching A.P. US History, but the pressure is on with other courses as well.  Currently I teach in an urban school working with at-risk middle schoolers.  Most have been expelled from the local public school system and have ADD, ADHD, and a host of other issues.  With a class size of 64 and all the core subjects to cover, well, let's just say I don't sit down much!  I am always looking for ways to individualize instruction and streamline classroom procedures so my entire day isn't lost with sharpening pencils and trips to the bathroom.

I look forward to talking about what content we cover, what we would like to cover and just can't find the time, how technology can help, and basic classroom tips that keep us sane.  I look forward to your comments, questions, and discussions.   And always, feel free to e-mail me at analiesek at gmail dot com as well.

Gotta bounce!

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